Alot, Dolot, Jelot Tem Ailem (Cheddum Forsugelem) - Dulpod
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बदलAlot, Dolot, Jelot Tem Ailem (Cheddum Forsugelem)
बदलShe came swaying from side to side (Francis's daughter)
Type: Dulpod
Source: F.X. Oliveira. Gitam Jhelo. Album 1, p. 26 - 27
Lyrics and Music: Dioginho D´Mello. Music arranged: Cruz-Noronha
Date: About 1971
Musical form: Binary
Literary form: Narrative
Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Panaji, Goa, 26.05.2005
Chusmo/ Refrain:
Alot, dolot jelot ailem,
She came swaying from side to side,
Kalliz hem bhuloilem.
This enchanted my heart.
Uddot, doddot, moddot tem ailem.
She came, jumping, bending and swaying.
"Kett" korun gelem.
And suddenly she went away.
Sodanch amger tem etalem,
She would always come to our place,
Maka polleun murgott´talem,
She would blush when she looked at me,
Ani kuch korun mozo beij gheun politalem.
And she would run off after a fleeting kiss.
Cheddum Forsugelem! (Chusmo/ Refrain)
Francis's daughter!
Maka polloun tem anstalem,
She would smile when she saw me,
Mojea gopant tem bostalem,
She would snuggle in my embrace,
Maka mogare sukha, dukha mhuntalem,
She would say "You are my life and my love"
Cheddum Forsugelem! (Chusmo/ Refrain)
Francis's daughter!
Janot neson tem bonvtalem,
She would go about well dressed,
Kumpas marun tem choltalem;
She had a rythmic walk;
Ani vaddeantleam cheddeank dolle moddtalem,
And she would wink at the boys in the village,
Cheddum Forsugele! (Chusmo/ Refrain)
Francis's daughter !
Cheddeank dektoch pisautalem,
She would go crazy when she saw boys,
Vengent dhorunk axetalem,
She would long to embrace them,
Ani Maim anv kaz´rachim zaleam mhunntalem,
She would tell her mother that she was ready for marriage
Cheddum Forsugelem! (Chusmo/ Refrain)
Francis's daughter!
Kazrak tem suskartalem,
She would sigh thinking of marriage,
Mogache ulas soddtalem,
She would sigh, sighs of love,
Novre sahir zaianam mhunn koplam foddtalem,
She would beat her brow when the prospective grooms did not agree,
Cheddum Forsugelem! (Chusmo/ Refrain)
Francis's daughter !
Zonelacher tem bostalem,
She would sit at the window,
Fantieo kensancheo ghaltalem,
She would pleat her hair,
Ani vattentleam cheddeank fiunnim martalem,
She would whistle at the boys passing by,
Cheddum Forsugelem! (Chusmo/ Refrain)
Francis's daughter!
Cheddvam lagim zogoddtalem,
She would quarrel with other girls,
Kensteank dhorun aloitalem,
She would shake them by the hair,
Novre tumkanch koxe-te bultat mhunntalem,
"Why should boys be attracted only to you" she would say,
Cheddum Forsugelem! (Chusmo/ Refrain)
Francis's daughter!
Cotrinanger tem vetalem,
She would go to Catherine's house,
Taka khobor tem sangtalem,
She would tell her the news,
Ani guddantlim tantiam chorun polltalem,
She would go off with the eggs from the hen coop,
Cheddum Forsugelem! (Chusmo/ Refrain)
Francis's daughter!