Chicú Eôi, Eôi, Eôi - Dulpod
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बदलChicú Eôi, Eôi, Eôi
बदलOh my pigling! eoi! eoi! eoi!
Type: Dulpod
Source: J.A.A. Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). Album Cantarancho. Song No. 112. Bogtavaddo, Chorão
Musical form: Binary
Literary form: Narrative
Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981
Chicú eôi, eôi, eôi,
Oh my pigling! eôi! eôi! eôi!
Chicuc mojea vaganum vôilo guê,
My pigling has been taken away by the tiger.
Chicú eôi, eôi, eôi,
Oh my pigling! eôi! eôi! eôi!
Chicuc mojea vaganum vôilo guê.
My pigling has been taken away by the tiger.
Anim nuim barancho nuim terancho,
It was not of twelve, not of thirteen kilos,
Solôg mojo pondra solancho.
But of fifteen or sixteen kilos.
Anim nuim barkilo nuim mottelo,
It was not lean, it was not just a little fat,
Ducôr mojo chorbeno borlolo.
My pig was full of fat.
Anim nuim conancho nuim bagacho,
It did not belong to anyone alone, nor to anyone jointly,
Ducôr mojo xiunemcheam dudduancho.
It was my own pigling bought with money earned from sewing.
Anim chimtêchê axên,
On account of money needed for snuff,
Xamain[6] mojê ducôr pôslolo.
My grandmother was rearing this pigling.