Sonxeachi Pirai Ghe Maim - Dulpod
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Sonxeachi Pirai Ghe Maim
बदलThe age of the rabbit, Mother
Type: Dulpod
Source: Lourdinho Barreto. Goemchem Git. Pustok 2,
Musical form: Binary
Literary form: ?
Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Panaji, Ilhas, Goa, 30.05.2005.
Sonxeachi pirai gehe maim,
The age of the rabbit, o mother
Ranatum. (bis)
In the forest.
Ani kit(u)lo temp(u) rauchem ghe maim,
And how long do I have to wait, o mother,
Charantum. (bis)
Tied down.