Unien Ani Deran - Dulpod
“Let’s keep the Goan tradition and culture alive, worldwide”
Unien Ani Deran
बदलSister-in-law and brother-in-law
Type: Dulpod
Source: Lourdinho Barreto. Goemchem Git. Pustok 1,
Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Panaji, Ilhas, Goa, 30.05.2005
Unien ani deran doganim,
The sister-in-law and brother-inlaw
Xet kela bagako.
Have jointly tilled the field.
Teach vorsak nhõi ga saiba,
In that very year, Sir
Paus(u) gela mirgako.
The rains have been delayed.
Edem vhoddlem xet ga dera,
Such a big field my brother-in-law,
Konn roin(u) ditolo.
Who will sow it for us.
Kainch tum bienak´gê uniem,
Have no fear my sister-in-law,
Dhêv amkam pavtolo.
God will come to our assistance.