Vhoir, Vhoir, Vhoir, Kattakoi - Dulpod

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Vhoir, Vhoir, Vhoir, Kattakoi


Up, up, up, the cuckoo

Type: Dulpod

Source: Lourdinho Barreto. Goemchem Git. Pustok 1,

Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Panaji, Ilhas, Goa, 30.05.2005

Vhoir(i), vhoir(i), vhoir kattakoi,

Up, up, up, the cuckoo,

Kattakoi katta pilam.

The owl is hatching chicks.

Kattakoi katta mhunn pilam,

That the owl is hatching chicks,

Tuka konne sangilam.

Who has told you.

Katta zalear kaddumdi pilam,

Let it hatch its chicks,

Tantiam ghali nastanam.

Without laying eggs.

Gotterant tin tantiam,

Three eggs in the nest,

Khoi thaun ailim pach(u) pilam?

Where did the five chicks come from?



Dulpod Goenche




  1. http://www.songs-from-goa.at/info13-dulpod.html
"https://gom.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vhoir,_Vhoir,_Vhoir,_Kattakoi_-_Dulpod&oldid=200178" चे कडल्यान परतून मेळयलें